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Learning Mathematical Logic

Predicate Logic

Proposition and Connectives

Proposition: A proposition is a declarative sentence that can be judged as either true or false.

Atomic Proposition: A proposition that does not contain any smaller part that is still a proposition is called an atomic proposition.

Compound Proposition: A proposition that involves the assembly of multiple propositions is called a compound proposition.

Formal Language

Formal language for propositional logic \(\mathscr{L}^P\) is has three types of symbols:

  1. Atomic propositions: \(p, q, r, \ldots\)

  2. Connectives: \(\neg, \land, \lor, \rightarrow, \leftrightarrow\)

  3. Parentheses: \((, )\)

Atom\((\mathscr{L}^P)\): Set of expressions of \(\mathscr{L}^P\) consisting of a proposition symbol only.

Form\((\mathscr{L}^P)\): An expression \(A \in \text{Form}\left(\mathscr{L}^P\right)\) if and only if it satisfies the following conditions:

  1. \(\text{Atom} (\mathscr{L}^P) \subseteq \text{Form} (\mathscr{L}^P)\)

  2. If \(A \in \text{Form} (\mathscr{L}^P)\), then \(\neg A \in \text{Form} (\mathscr{L}^P)\)

  3. If \(A, B \in \text{Form} (\mathscr{L}^P)\), then \(\left(A \land B\right), \left(A \lor B\right), \left(A \rightarrow B\right), \left(A \leftrightarrow B\right) \in \text{Form} (\mathscr{L}^P)\)

Sub formula: A formula \(A\) is a sub formula of a formula \(B\) if \(A\) is a part of \(B\). \(A\) is a proper sub formula of \(B\) if \(A\) is a sub formula of \(B\) and \(A \neq B\).

Lemma: Every well-formed formula of \(\mathscr{L}^P\) has a unique parse tree.

Lemma: Every well-formed formula of \(\mathscr{L}^P\) has an equal number of left and right parentheses.

Lemma: Every proper prefix of a well-formed formula of \(\mathscr{L}^P\) has more left parentheses than right parentheses. Every proper suffix of a well-formed formula of \(\mathscr{L}^P\) has more right parentheses than left parentheses.


  1. \((, )\) has the highest precedence.

  2. Precedence level: \(\neg, \land, \lor, \rightarrow, \leftrightarrow\).

  3. Connectives are assumed to associate to the right. e.g. \(A \land B \land C\) is equivalent to \(A \land (B \land C)\).


A truth valuation is a function \(v : \text{Atom} (\mathscr{L}^P) \rightarrow \{0,1\}\). For \(p \in \text{Atom} (\mathscr{L}^P)\), \(v(p)\) or \(p^v\) is the truth value of \(p\) under valuation \(v\).

Every form \(A \in \text{Form} (\mathscr{L}^P)\) has a truth value under a valuation \(v\).

Proved by induction on the structure of \(A\).

If for every valuation \(v\), \(A^v = 1\), then \(A\) is said to be a tautology. If for every valuation \(v\), \(A^v = 0\), then \(A\) is said to be a contradiction. If for some valuation \(v\), \(A^v = 1\), then \(A\) is said to be satisfiable.

Semantics can be proved by: 1. Truth tables 2. Inductive proof 3. Valuation tree

Logical equivalence: Two formulas \(A\) and \(B\) are said to be logically equivalent if for every valuation \(v\), \(A^v = B^v\).
\(A\) and \(B\) have same truth values in a truth table. \(A \leftrightarrow B\) is a tautology.

Semantic Entailment

Let \(\Sigma\) by a set of formulas (\(\Sigma \subseteq \text{Form}(\mathscr{L}^P)\)) and \(A\) be a formula (\(A \in \text{Form}(\mathscr{L}^P)\)). We say:

  • \(A\) is a logical consequence of \(\Sigma\), or

  • \(\Sigma\) (semantically) entails \(A\), or

  • \(\Sigma \models A\)

if and onlyl if for every valuation \(v\), if \(\Sigma^v = 1\) implies \(A^v = 1\).

If \(\Sigma \not \models A\), then there exists a truth valuation \(v\) such that \(\Sigma^v = 1\) and \(A^v = 0\).

Proved using direct proofs or truth tables, or by contradiction.

\(A \models B\) if and only if \(A \to B\) is a tautology. \(A \equiv B\) if and only if \(A \models B\) and \(B \models A\). \(\varnothing \models A\) if and only if \(A\) is a tautology.

\(A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_n \models B\) if and only if \(\varnothing \models (A_1 \land A_2 \land \ldots \land A_n) \to B\).

For any \(n \geq 1\), there are \(2^{2^n}\) distinct truth functions of \(n\) variables.

\(2^n\) different truth values, output of each can be either 0 or 1.

Adequate Set: A set of connectives is said to be adequate if every well-formed formula can be expressed using only those connectives.

Each of the sets \(\{\neg , \land\}, \{\neg, \lor\}, \{\neg, \rightarrow\}\) is an adequate set of connectives.

Proof Systems

If there is a proof with premises \(\Sigma\) and conclusion \(A\), then we say that \(A\) is a syntactic consequence of \(\Sigma\). Denoted by: \(\Sigma \vdash A\).

3 types of proof systems:

  1. Natural deduction: Few axioms and many rules.

  2. Hilbert system: Many axioms and only one rule.

  3. Resolution: Used to prove contradictions.

Natural Deduction

Alphabet of ND:

\[ \Sigma = \{(, ), \neg, \land, \lor, \to,\leftrightarrow, p, q, r, \dots\}\]

Formulas of ND: 1. Atomic formulas are formulas. 2. If \(A\), \(B\) are formulas, then \((\neg A)\), \((A \land B)\), \((A \lor B)\), \((A \to B)\), \((A \leftrightarrow B)\) are formulas. 3. Only expressions of \(\Sigma\) that can be derived from the above rules are formulas.

Inference rules:

Reflexivity (Premise): $ \Sigma \cup {\alpha } \vdash \alpha$.

A table of all inference rules:

Name \(\vdash\) Notation Inference Notation
\(\land\) - Introduction if \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha\) and \(\Sigma \vdash \beta\), then \(\Sigma \vdash (\alpha \land \beta)\). \(\begin{array}{c} \alpha \\ \beta \\ \hline (\alpha \land \beta) \end{array}\)
\(\land\) - Elimination if \(\Sigma \vdash (\alpha \land \beta)\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha\) and \(\Sigma \vdash \beta\). \(\begin{array}{c} (\alpha \land \beta) \\ \hline \alpha \end{array}\) and \(\begin{array}{c} (\alpha \land \beta) \\ \hline \beta \end{array}\)
\(\to\) - Elimination if \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha\) and \(\Sigma \vdash (\alpha \to \beta)\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \beta\). \(\begin{array}{c} \alpha \\ (\alpha \to \beta) \\ \hline \beta \end{array}\)
\(\to\) - Introduction if \(\Sigma \cup \{\alpha\} \vdash \beta\), then \(\Sigma \vdash (\alpha \to \beta)\). \(\begin{array}{c} \boxed{\begin{array}{c} \alpha \\ \vdots \\ \beta \end{array}} \\ \hline \alpha \to \beta \end{array}\)
\(\lor\) - Introduction if \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha\), then \(\Sigma \vdash (\alpha \lor \beta)\) and \(\Sigma \vdash (\beta \lor \alpha)\). \(\begin{array}{c} \alpha \\ \hline (\alpha \lor \beta) \end{array}\) and \(\begin{array}{c} \alpha \\ \hline (\beta \lor \alpha) \end{array}\)
\(\lor\) - Elimination if \(\Sigma \vdash (\alpha \lor \beta)\) and \(\Sigma \cup \{\alpha\} \vdash \gamma\) and \(\Sigma \cup \{\beta\} \vdash \gamma\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \gamma\). \(\begin{array}{c} (\alpha \lor \beta) \\ \boxed{\begin{array}{c} \alpha \\ \vdots \\ \gamma \end{array}} \\ \boxed{\begin{array}{c} \beta \\ \vdots \\ \gamma \end{array}} \\ \hline \gamma \end{array}\)
\(\neg\) - Introduction if \(\Sigma \cup \{\alpha\} \vdash \perp\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \neg \alpha\). \(\begin{array}{c} \boxed{\begin{array}{c} \alpha \\ \vdots \\ \perp \end{array}} \\ \hline \neg \alpha \end{array}\)
\(\perp\) - Introduction if \(\Sigma \vdash \neg \alpha\) and \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \perp\). \(\begin{array}{c} \neg \alpha \\ \alpha \\ \hline \perp \end{array}\)
\(\perp\) - Elimination if \(\Sigma \vdash \perp\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha\). \(\begin{array}{c} \perp \\ \hline \alpha \end{array}\)
\(\neg \neg\) - Elimination if \(\Sigma \vdash \neg \neg \alpha\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha\). \(\begin{array}{c} \neg \neg \alpha \\ \hline \alpha \end{array}\)

And the law of excluded middle: \(\vdash (p \lor \neg p)\).

Soundness and Completeness

\(\Sigma \vdash A\) means that \(A\) is a logical consequence (in the deduction system) of \(\Sigma\).

\(\Sigma \models A\) if and only if for every valuation \(v\), if \(\Sigma^v = 1\), then \(A^v = 1\).

Soundness: If \(\Sigma \vdash A\), then \(\Sigma \models A\). The conclusion of a proof is always a logical consequence of the premises.

Proved by induction on the length of the proof.

Completeness: If \(\Sigma \models A\), then \(\Sigma \vdash A\). Every logical consequence can be proved in this proof system.

Quite difficult to prove. We want to prove: If \(\Sigma \models A\) holds, then \(\Sigma \vdash A\) is valid. We need to use three lemmas:

  1. Lemma 1: If \(\Sigma \models A\), then \(\varnothing \models (\alpha_0 \to (\alpha_1 \to (\dots \to (\alpha_n \to A)\dots )))\).

    Proved by contradiction. Assuming \(\varnothing \not \models (\alpha_0 \to (\alpha_1 \to (\dots \to (\alpha_n \to A)\dots )))\) and showing that \(\Sigma \not \models A\).

  2. Lemma 2: If \(\varnothing \models A\), then $ \varnothing \vdash A$.

    Proved by induction on the structure of \(A\). Introduction of a new symbol \(\hat p\) which is \(\neg p\) when \(p^v = 0\) and \(p\) when \(p^v = 1\).

  3. Lemma 3: If \(\varnothing \vdash (\alpha_0 \to (\alpha_1 \to (\dots \to (\alpha_n \to A)\dots )))\), then \(\{\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n\} \vdash A\). Which is equivalent to \(\Sigma \vdash A\).

    Direct proof (like pealing onions).

First Order Logic


Domain: A non-empty set of objects.

Constant symbols: Constants are used to denote objects in the domain.

Variables: "Place holders" for concrete values.

Predicate: A predicate is a function that returns a truth value. Representing the property of an individual object in the domain, or the relationship between multiple objects.


  1. Universal quantifier: \(\forall x\), statement is true for all \(x\) in the domain.

  2. Existential quantifier: \(\exists x\), statement is true for at least one \(x\) in the domain.

Function symbols: Functions that take objects in the domain as input and return an object in the domain as output, denoted as \(f^{(n)}(x)\).

Terms: Is defined inductively as:

  1. Constant symbols and variables are terms.

  2. If \(f^{(n)}\) is a function symbol of arity \(n\), and \(t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_n\) are terms, then \(f^{(n)}(t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_n)\) is a term.

  3. Nothing else is a term.

Intuitive understanding: Terms are expressions that denote objects in the domain.

Atomic formula: An expression \(\mathscr{L}\) is an element of \(\text{Atom}(\mathscr{L})\) if and only if it has one of the following two forms:

  1. \(P(t_1, \dots, t_n)\), where \(P\) is an \(n\)-ary predicate symbol and \(t_1, \dots, t_n \in \text{Term}(\mathscr{L})\).

  2. \(t_1 = t_2\), where \(t_1, t_2 \in \text{Term}(\mathscr{L})\).

Intuitive understanding: Atomic formulas are expressions that denote a truth value, indicating the properties or relations of objects.

Formulas: \(\alpha \in \text{Form}(\mathscr{L})\) if and only if it satisfies the following conditions:

  1. \(\text{Atom}(\mathscr{L}) \subseteq \text{Form}(\mathscr{L})\).

  2. If \(\alpha \in \text{Form}(\mathscr{L})\), then \(\neg \alpha \in \text{Form}(\mathscr{L})\).

  3. If \(\alpha, \beta \in \text{Form}(\mathscr{L})\), then \(\left(\alpha \land \beta\right), \left(\alpha \lor \beta\right), \left(\alpha \rightarrow \beta\right), \left(\alpha \leftrightarrow \beta\right) \in \text{Form}(\mathscr{L})\).

  4. If \(\alpha \in \text{Form}(\mathscr{L})\) and \(x\) is a variable, then \(\forall x \alpha, \exists x \alpha \in \text{Form}(\mathscr{L})\).


Scope: The scope of a quantifier is the formula that follows it. e.g. In \(\forall x P(x) \land Q(x)\), the scope of \(\forall x\) is \(P(x) \land Q(x)\).

Free and bound variables: A variable \(x\) is free in a formula \(\alpha\) if it is not in the scope of any quantifier for \(x\). Otherwise, it is bound.

Sentence: A formula is a sentence if all its variables are bound.

Closure: The closure of a formula \(\alpha\) is the set of all sentences that can be formed by replacing the free variables in \(\alpha\) with constants.

Universal closure of \(\alpha\) is \(\forall x_1 \forall x_2 \ldots \forall x_n \alpha\).

Existential closure of \(\alpha\) is \(\exists x_1 \exists x_2 \ldots \exists x_n \alpha\).


To assign meanings to formulas of FOL, we need:

  • A domain \(D\).

  • An interpretation \(I\) of non-logical symbols that assigns:

    • To each constant symbol \(c\), an object \(c^I \in D\).

    • To each function symbol \(f^{(n)}\), a function \(f^I : D^n \to D\).

    • To each predicate symbol \(P^{(n)}\), a relation \(P^I \subseteq D^n\).

  • An interpretation of logical symbols:

    • Logical connectives, punctuations

    • Quantifiers, variable symbols...

After interpretation, terms in FOL represent individuals in the domain, while formulas represent propositions with fixed truth values.

Interpretation: An interpretation \(I\) consists of:

  • A non-empty domain \(D\).

  • For each constant symbol \(c\), an object \(c^I \in D\).

  • For each function symbol \(f^{(n)}\), a function \(f^I : D^n \to D\).

  • For each predicate symbol \(P^{(n)}\), a relation \(P^I \subseteq D^n\).

Environment: An environment \(E\) is a function that assigns a value in the domain to every variable symbol in the language.

Value of terms: With a fix interpretation \(I\) and environment \(E\), the value of a term \(t\) is denoted as \(t^{(I,E)}\), and is defined as:

  • If \(t\) is a constant symbol \(c\), then \(t^{(I,E)} = c^I\).

  • If \(t\) is a variable symbol \(x\), then \(t^{(I,E)} = E(x)\).

  • If \(t = f(t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_n)\), then \(t^{(I,E)} = f^I(t_1^{(I,E)}, t_2^{(I,E)}, \ldots, t_n^{(I,E)})\).

Value of atomic formulas:
With a fix interpretation \(I\) and environment \(E\), the value of an atomic formula \(P(t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_n)\) is denoted as \(P(t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_n)^{(I,E)}\), and has the truth value of \(P^I(t_1^{(I,E)}, t_2^{(I,E)}, \ldots, t_n^{(I,E)})\).

Value of Well-Formed Formulas: With a fix interpretation \(I\) and environment \(E\), the value of a well-formed formula \(\alpha\) is denoted as \(\alpha^{(I,E)}\), and is defined as:

  • If \(\alpha\) is an atomic formula, then \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = P(t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_n)^{(I,E)}\).

  • If \(\alpha = \neg \beta\), then \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = 1 - \beta^{(I,E)}\).

  • If \(\alpha = \beta \land \gamma\), then \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = \beta^{(I,E)} \land \gamma^{(I,E)}\).

  • If \(\alpha = \beta \lor \gamma\), then \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = \beta^{(I,E)} \lor \gamma^{(I,E)}\).

  • If \(\alpha = \beta \to \gamma\), then \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = 1 - \beta^{(I,E)} \lor \gamma^{(I,E)}\).

  • If \(\alpha = \beta \leftrightarrow \gamma\), then \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = \beta^{(I,E)} \leftrightarrow \gamma^{(I,E)}\).

  • If \(\alpha = \forall x \beta\), then \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = 1\) if for all \(d \in D\), \(\beta^{(I, E[x \mapsto d])} = 1\).

  • If \(\alpha = \exists x \beta\), then \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = 1\) if there exists \(d \in D\) such that \(\beta^{(I, E[x \mapsto d])} = 1\).

Assignment: For any environment \(E\) and domain element \(d\), the new environment "\(E\) with \(x\) re-assigned to \(d\)" is denoted as \(E[x \mapsto d]\)., is given by:

\[E[x \mapsto d](y) = \begin{cases} d & \text{if } y = x \\ E(y) & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]


An interpretation \(I\) and environment \(E\) satisfies a formula \(\alpha\) if and only if \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = 1\), denoted as \(I \models_E \alpha\). If they do not satisfy, then \(I \not \models_E \alpha\), if \(\alpha^{(I,E)} = 0\). If \(I \models_E \alpha\) for all environments \(E\), then \(I \models \alpha\).

A formula \(\alpha\) is:

  • valid if \(I \models \alpha\) for all interpretations \(I\) and \(E\).

  • satisfiable if \(I \models \alpha\) for some interpretation \(I\) and \(E\).

  • unsatisfiable if \(I \not \models \alpha\) for all interpretations \(I\) and \(E\).

Natural Deduction fo First Order Logic

Substitutions: For a variable \(x\), a term \(t\), and a formula \(\alpha\), the substitution of \(t\) for \(x\) in \(\alpha\) is denoted as \(\alpha[t/x]\) which denotes the resulting formula by replacing each free occurrence of \(x\) in \(\alpha\) with \(t\).

Natural deduction rules for FOL:

Name \(\vdash\) Notation Inference Notation
\(\forall\) - Elimination if \(\Sigma \vdash \forall x \alpha\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha[t/x]\) for any term \(t\). \(\begin{array}{c} \forall x \alpha \\ \hline \alpha[t/x] \end{array}\)
\(\forall\) - Introduction if \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha[t/x]\) with \(t\) not free in \(\Sigma\) or \(\alpha\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \forall x \alpha\). \(\begin{array}{c} \boxed{\begin{array}{c} t \text{ fresh}\ \\ \vdots \\ \alpha[t/x] \end{array}} \\ \hline \forall x \alpha \end{array}\)
\(\exists\) - Introduction if \(\Sigma \vdash \alpha[t/x]\), then \(\Sigma \vdash \exists x \alpha\). \(\begin{array}{c} \alpha[t/x] \\ \hline \exists x \alpha \end{array}\)
\(\exists\) - Elimination if \(\Sigma \cup \{\alpha[t/x]\} \vdash \beta\) with \(t\) fresh, then \(\Sigma \cup (\exists x \alpha) \vdash \beta\). \(\begin{array}{c} \exists x \alpha \\ \boxed{\begin{array}{c} \alpha[t/x], t \text{ fresh} \\ \vdots \\ \beta \end{array}} \\ \hline \beta \end{array}\)